You Can Gain from DPC

5 Top Benefits Businesses You Can Gain From Direct Primary Care

The Direct Primary Care approach of employee healthcare is becoming more popular among businesses. DPC’s simplified approach provides precise mechanisms for cost management while improving healthcare quality – all without copays or deductibles to satisfy.

While there are other benefits to offering DPC for both businesses and employees, the following are the Top 5 Reasons Companies Benefit From Direct Primary Care.

Direct Primary Care Lowers Healthcare Costs

Direct Primary Care provides improved patient access, more time with the doctor, and physician-led healthcare navigation for a surprisingly low monthly charge. Rates generally vary between $30 to $90 per month per employee, and unlike the traditional healthcare paradigm, DPC is not subject to major annual premium hikes.

Healthcare claims are easier to manage when included in a self-funded plan, and the overall package is often less expensive than standard insurance. According to research, savings achieved with a DPC system can be in the double digits. 

Employers who offer standard high-deductible health insurance may find that adopting DPC gives considerable value and savings in the long run.

DPC Reduces Absenteeism and Offers Convenience

In most cases, patients can schedule same-day visits with their primary care physician. No more waiting for hours or days to see a specialist, and employees won’t have to rush to the office before or after work to meet with the doctor.

Employees who have shifted to the DPC model for their primary care report that the convenience of visits by phone or video conferencing, and the overall flexibility of their direct access to their doctor, are a significant factor in their increasing health and happiness.

Promotes a Culture of Health and Wellness

When employees feel healthy and know their employer cares about their well-being, they’re more productive and feel more engaged in their work.

DPC offers access to a Web-based health dashboard that tracks health data, including weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and lifestyle habits, and allows employees to stay on track with their health goals and receive encouragement and support.

Creates More Competitive Benefits Packages

Individuals and families are seeking higher deductible health plans (HDHP) and looking for value in their healthcare dollars.

DPC is an excellent complement to HDHPs and can act as a powerful retention and recruitment tool.

Less Paperwork

The National Health Expenditure Projection for 2020-25 predicts a 6% increase in health spending. It can be pricey for you, especially if your company has less than 200 employees.

DPC provides a membership package at a set price. You pay the membership package to a DPC directly, avoiding insurance companies. It makes your job easier because you won’t have to deal with third-party vendors.

It also eliminates the need for third-party billing. Having fewer staff handle insurance claims and reimbursements reduces your overhead costs.


The Direct Primary Care model provides a simple, effective way to help employers, employees, and families save money on healthcare. If you’re ready to make the shift from a conventional model to a DPC setup for your small business, we can help.

HealthSprings Direct specializes in direct primary care practice south of Atlanta. We deliver high-quality, convenient, and cutting-edge healthcare. Join the healthcare revolution—call us now!