What is Direct Primary Care (DPC)?

Step outside the broken healthcare system. Get the care you deserve at a fair, transparent price.

Join 250,000 other Americans who are already benefitting from direct primary care. 

How DPC is Changing Everything

Why is DPC Different?

Direct primary care, or DPC for short, is a simple idea that solves a very complex problem.

Here’s a thought experiment: what if you took all the worst parts about healthcare in America — insurance companies and their mountains of paperwork, greedy corporate hospital systems that don’t care about patient satisfaction, highly paid office staff to file insurance claims for your doctor, and all the shadowy middlemen trying to eliminate price transparency — and you threw them all out the window. That’s DPC in a nutshell.

It’s clear that the current system doesn’t care about providing great care. Have you ever scheduled an appointment months in advance, only to sit in the waiting room for an hour, followed by an unsatifying 10 minute doctor visit? That’s par for the course these days.

DPC is different.

As a DPC patient, you forge a relationship with a doctor that knows you. No more scheduling months in advance; you can usually book an appointment the same or next day.

Your doctor will stay on top of your health: running preventative tests, diagnosing you when you’re sick, prescribing medicines (and soon, dispensing them to you directly at wholesale prices — no extra trip to the pharmacy!), negotiating low prices on blood tests and scans, quickly addressing any health concerns or questions you have, and—if necessary—coordinating your care with specialists and hospitals. You will have access to message your doctor in the patient portal at any time, and even contact them directly for urgent medical issues that may arise.


How is this possible?

By cutting insurance out of the picture. Insurance is fundamentally incompatible with providing comprehensive, compassionate care. When a doctor bills your insurance, they are forced to submit an itemized list of each and every medical service they provided. If they don’t, they won’t get paid. But—surprise, surprise—no insurance company will pay a doctor for answering one of your texts, reminding you to avoid red meat, answering on the first ring when you call, opening the door for you when you arrive at the office, or asking about your family! You expect, and frankly, deserve, to be treated like a person….not a number.

In DPC, you pay a flat monthly membership fee, usually around the size of your cell phone bill. You can pay with your credit card or direct checking withdrawal—no more clipboards with pages of insurance paperwork, guessing what the co-pay is and still getting a bill months later.

If it seems like everything is a subscription these days, that’s because it’s the best way for a business to offer a high-quality service and excellent support over a long period of time. What if Netflix nickel-and-dimed you for every episode of The Crown you watched? It would be awful, that’s what. DPC is like Netflix: you get access to nearly unlimited care for one low monthly price.

This is healthcare like you’ve never experienced it.

It’s time to get Proactive, instead of just reactive.


What is direct primary care (DPC)?

DPC is a new way to get high quality, comprehensive healthcare from a doctor who is thorough and cares about you, all for a low, flat monthly fee.

Your doctor has decided ditch the broken healthcare system, leave her unrelenting hospital-affiliated jobs, and start providing care at reasonable prices. It’s that simple. No insurance, no corporate health system, no middlemen. Just the doctor and her patients.

Practically speaking, DPC is a membership model for healthcare. Every patient pays a flat monthly fee to become a member of the DPC practice. What are the benefits of membership? Put simply: access to a doctor that cares about you.

What are the benefits of a direct primary care membership?

What are the benefits of a direct primary care membership?
Put simply: your DPC doctor is there when you need them.

You get up to 20 office visits per year at no additional charge—and they’ll be as long as you need. Typically you’ll be able to book a same-day or next-day appointment, soon, directly through this website. You’ll have access to your Dr. Springston’s cell phone number, so you’ll be able to call or text them any medical questions as needed. Some simple diagnostics (e.g. strep tests) and blood tests may be performed in office for a small additional charge as listed on the transparent fees page. If you have a major issue, Dr. Springston will coordinate any specialist referrals or hospital care – and have the time and resources to effectively communicate with your other providers.

Below is a comprehensive list of services provided by HealthSprings Internal Medicine. Most of these services are provided as an included perk of membership; others are often provided for a small additional fee.

How much does direct primary care cost?

Can direct primary care save you money?

You bet! Let’s go over some common scenarios where a DPC membership can save you money.

Do none of those scenarios apply to to you? Here’s one more:

Why is direct primary care a monthly membership?

Is direct primary care the same as concierge medicine?

Should I join a direct primary care practice if I'm healthy?


Direct Care Brief

Direct Care is a fast growing business model that puts doctors back in charge of healthcare. It achieves tremendous cost savings and efficiencies by removing intermediaries in both care delivery and revenue collection cycles. The result is a model that truly fulfills the quadruple aim, delivering high quality care, at a responsible price, between enthusiastically satisfied patients and providers.

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The Sad State of the Healthcare "Market"

The two main players — doctors and patients — have no clue how much anything costs. Instead, they’ve both hired a middleman to decide prices on their behalf, but these middlemen aren’t on your side.

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Direct primary care has already helped over a quarter million Americans stay healthier, save money, and form a real relationship with their doctor.

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Accessible and personalized medical care with a doctor 

that takes the time to know YOU.

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